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When it comes to the High Courts, the ultimate positions are a lot more numerous (60 judges for the Lahore High Court) compared to the Supreme...
The obvious product of the 26th amendment was the Judicial Commission of Pakistan—a gathering of lesser judges and more politicians—who would...
As Justice Munir stood before the Lahore High Court Bar, he had a spate of cases to defend, though he wasn’t particularly good at it. His point...
Our lawmakers’ flirtation with bulldozing amendments has only grown stronger with time. Last year, on the eve of its retirement, the government...
“It is all too easy to (figuratively) throw up one’s hands and balk at trying to find a solution for a problem”, said Justice Munib, but then...
A bill is brought before the Senate by a private member. Increase the cap on Supreme Court judges, it demands. Nay, comes the reply. And as the...
As recently as August 27, the Supreme Court once again condemned life in a death-row cell as unfair, “inhuman”, and a “violation of...
Let us conceive a Goldilocks’ balance in judicial temperament – what is just about right? Being the nit-picky adherent of a legal text is decent...