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Young Children, Extended Families, and Summer Vacations

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Unlike Sam’s paternal grandparents, who are in his weekly life, his maternal grandparents live two time zones away. He visits them during the summer and on occasional school breaks in what Sam calls “their country.” When his mom asked him what he might like to take on this summer’s visit, he asked if his “learning tablet” could come.

“Why not?” asked his mom, suspecting something was up about this particular item.

“Grandmom doesn’t like when I play with electric things. Her rules are harder,” Sam replied. “You let me stay with Grandpa and Grandma when I was three for a week. Why didn’t I go to Grandmom and Granddad’s?”

Surprised by the question, Sam’s mom wondered why he was contrasting them. “You and Grandpa and Grandma are close because they were there when you were born. Grandmom and Granddad did not know........

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