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Loving Someone With Serious Mental Illness

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This year I am celebrating six years in recovery from severe bipolar I disorder with psychosis after an 18-year battle. My spouse and I needed each other to reach recovery together. We made it through a lot, but it wasn’t always easy. At many times he didn’t know what to think, say, or do. Neither did I. We did everything wrong. Living together was unbearable. We both lost hope. We each had recovery as a goal, but hardly ever felt like partners in the journey… until we did.

Now we’re sharing our lived experience to try to make others' journey less uncertain, more manageable, less challenging, and less prolonged. I’ve shared my lived experience in many writings. Here are a few insights from our family to yours on your recovery journey:

Here are a few common emotions your loved one may experience, possible triggers, and how to easily and quickly address them. Not everything about mental illness needs to be hard when you learn from lived........

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