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Hope or Happiness?

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Positive psychologists believe and claim that happiness makes life worth living. In contrast, overwhelmingly, the general assumption from time immemorial is that hope makes life worth living since those who take their own lives do so because of the loss of hope. The question, therefore, is hope or happiness: which one must we have to make life worth living?

To find a reasonable answer to this question, I want to call your attention to the Triple-H Equation, definitions of its three variables, some original empirical findings, and several corroborating evidence from peer-reviewed literature:

The Triple-H Equation states hope/hunger = happiness [i.e., hope ÷ hunger = happiness].

Hope is the belief and the feeling that one’s desires or aspirations are achievable. Your hope comes from you and your five essential human assets. These five assets are:

These assets (which may be real or potential) are the five sources of human hope (Obayuwana, 2012).

Hunger is a compelling desire or a burning aspiration. The most compelling of all hungers are the five inborn human........

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