SIMPLE STUFF: Notes, mentions, etc.
I’d been running around lately, writing about a bunch of varied things when I realized I had another “Simple Stuff” coming up and no topic. So, I decided instead to mash some things together.
First off, a (small) number of you didn’t think my last column, about stupid things, was worth reading. That’s OK. I can’t be clever and insightful all of the time, and you all absolutely can always decide to stop reading whenever you want. No worries. I am glad for those of you who made it to the end, and the (small) number of you who let me know you thought it was funny.
Next, it was a great relief a few Friday nights ago when my neighbor was finally able to get our fields plowed and our crop in (I believe it’s corn this year). These hardy souls ran their giant John Deeres literally through the night to outrun the rain. At 1 a.m., they........
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