DOING THE WRITE THING: ‘Those Were the Days’
The holiday season brings nostalgia, and with the death of Norman Lear this week, I am steeped in warm memories of the many shows he created that were part of my youth. (At least as re-runs, because most were produced before I was born.) But through the wonders of cable television (and shout-out in particular to Nickelodeon’s “Nick at Nite” programming), these shows were part of my formative development.
Before you ask, “formative? Were you left to raise yourself with a television babysitter?” No, I assure you my parents were great, attentive, and engaged, but watching these shows with them and my grandparents made for many “Good Times.” (see what I did there?)
Family television time has been an important part of my own parenting, because I think the kind of media kids are exposed to matters. (“This is Us” is a great show, made better by experiencing it with the kids.) I have a list of “must sees” from the past that I foist upon them, the way that most parents want to share their favorite movies and music with their kids.
I didn’t realize there are what seems to be 99 seasons of “ER,” but I’m having fun re-watching them and thinking about how politically progressive that show was in........
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