DENIM SPIRIT: The voices in our heads
Well, I struck pay dirt with last week’s column and heard from a number of you in support of unadulterated gratitude for the abundance of our lives, relative though abundance may be among us. Our current cultural drone of perpetual resentment, whining, and grievance seems to have only deepened the resolve of many to re-frame the conversation. Instead of being rooted in what they don’t have and can’t get, they have turned their focus on profound appreciation for the gifts of life and love that they do have.
For your responses, by the way, I am grateful.
In my experience, that kind of re-framing begins with an internal conversation. You know, the voices in our heads that yammer to us on a regular basis. (Tell me I’m not the only one who hears them!) I think of it as a kind of kitchen table in the mind, populated by important people from our lives.........
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