Devils were here on 9/11, but don’t forget the angels
During one of the anniversaries of the attacks that killed thousands at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, Pa., I got an email from a reader who thought Congress should pass a law making every Sept. 11 a national day of silence.
“Not just for a minute or even an hour,” he said. “The whole day. A national shut-the-hell-up day. Nothing said by anybody except stuff that was absolutely essential.”
It’s a good idea. But since it will never happen, maybe we could press pause all the political BS and other claptrap we obsess over every day for just a bit to … reflect. And remember.
We’re in a lull between the 20th and the 25th anniversaries of 9/11. Major tragedies receive their most grandiose commemorations every five years.
As if that’s all we owe them.
I was out jogging when the planes flew into the........
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