The Real Purpose of Fake Liberals
The following is not intended to criticize anyone truly liberal or who keeps an open mind. It is aimed at those who pretend to be liberal but are in fact allies of the Left, which makes them Marxists. Quotation marks on the word “liberal” separate the meaning of the word from its contrary practice.
“Liberal” reporters used to be fond of pointing out that the death of John F. Kennedy marked the end of this nation’s “age of innocence.”
Those “liberal,” more astute and mature observers than all others were in fact obscuring the reality that progress toward excellence in the social, political, and cultural life of America was sliding downhill after that fateful event.
What they would not report, after JFK’s assassination, was the mounting evidence of intellectual and moral decline in America, the likes of which has no record in modern times.
Those not deep asleep in the last several decades have noticed minimum standards of education drop, enduring values crumble, Christianity mocked, the family wounded, and a taste and appetite for cheap entertainment blossom into a multi-billion-dollar entertainment industry.
So, did Americans simply “evolve” into a slumping mental and moral condition? Were the growing changes in culture “inevitable”? “Liberals” would say 'yes.'
But those who were awake knew that Americans were succumbing to a cultural blight being spread by activists of the Left whose leaders saw in the mushing of minds and morals a way to bring about a brave new Marxist world. [A hint here.]
Like their counterparts in the first quarter of the last century, today’s fake liberals feed on Marxist notions of justice, woefully behind the times they wish to change. Most of today’s “liberal” reformers are unaware of the campaign of their Marxist........
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