Daniel HickeyEastern Daily Press |
Litter pickers in Great Yarmouth have complained they regularly find mattresses and furniture dumped in the town centre.
A driver is still receiving medical treatment three months after a dramatic crash that left him seriously injured and cars scattered across the...
A council has rejected a man's bid to chop down trees to make room for a car park.
A woman's bid to double the size of her coffee shop has been approved by planners.
A former hair salon could be turned into housing.
An arts festival has been cancelled this year with organisers blaming low turnout.
A seaside village is preparing to say farewell to a lifeboat that has been rescuing people - and animals - for 20 years.
Police have carried out a patrol at a retirement housing complex following reports of anti-social behaviour.
A group of villagers are hoping to buy a pub by the Norfolk coast that has been closed for the last two years.
A stone's throw from Great Yarmouth seafront, it is a building that was once used for improving the 'moral and religious condition of sailors'.
A woman has lost her fight to build houses in a Broads village.
People in Great Yarmouth have been hitting back at a survey that saw the town rated as one of the worst places to live in the UK.
A new beauty salon will open on the coast after a lengthy planning dispute between a woman and her local council.
A man who was involved in shaping some of Great Yarmouth's most prominent landmarks has died at the age of 93-years-old.
A paralympic swimming champion will open a new shop in a Broads village.
Aerial photos shot one year apart show the impact of another year of erosion on the coast at Hemsby.
A building in a Broads village has been designated as a refuge in the event of an emergency.
More than 100 people attended a parish council meeting over concerns about plans to build 60 houses in a Broads village.
A toy shop that has traded in Great Yarmouth for 40 years is closing down.
A woman who has spent nearly two decades helping police solve crimes through a network of CCTV cameras has been awarded the British Empire Medal...
An inquest has opened into the death of a retired builder in Norfolk.
Town bosses raked in almost a quarter of a million pounds over the past six years from car parking fines.
Gripes about private landlords in Great Yarmouth have seen a dramatic rise in recent years.
A bid to build a new school in one of the largest villages in Norfolk has been lodged with planners.
It's a shop where you can buy almost anything.
A plea to deter a friendly feline from visiting a Norfolk hospital has met instead with overwhelming affection for the whiskered wanderer.
A family-run restaurant which closed down last year will be transformed into housing.
A seafront venue is promising a huge New Year's Eve party with confetti, balloons and a spectacular countdown.
A driver arrested after a man died in a crash on the A47 has been released on bail.
Football is coming home for one Norfolk club as it returns to its original ground.
A family has opened what it believed to be the biggest soft play area in a pub in the region.
Forget therapy dogs.
The family of a man who died in a car crash on the A47 is raising money for his funeral.
A rogue manhole in a coastal town has been shaking homes and rattling nerves.
A magical array of Christmas events is promising to help people in Great Yarmouth get into the festive spirit.
A man has died in an A47 crash nearly 20 years after his brother lost his life in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.
An important gateway into Great Yarmouth could see a new lease of life with renovation work expected to begin next year.
A social media influencer has warned people about a controversial slimming jab that saw him ending up in hospital after injecting it.
A Norfolk resort has filmed a spoof of the famous cue card scene from Love Actually.
When Halfords closed in Great Yarmouth in October one of its employees had a choice to make.
A petition urging the Post Office to abandon plans to relocate its Lowestoft town centre operations has been sent in.
A big crowd enjoyed the annual Christmas lights switch-on in Lowestoft.
A vessel carrying thousands of tonnes of ammonium nitrate - a potentially explosive cargo - has left Great Yarmouth after transferring its load to...
A woman and her terminally ill husband who are caught in a seafront property dispute have been describing their 'living nightmare'.
A high-tech effort to track migrating bats in Norfolk just got a boost.
Landlords across the Great Yarmouth borough have been invited attend a forum designed to hear from those in the rental sector.
Great Yarmouth's Market Gates shopping centre is up for sale for £4.5m.
A new bid to tackle fly-tipping in Great Yarmouth's alleyways and passageways has been launched.
It could be a case of 'he who dares, wins' for a young Norfolk actor hoping to win a prestigious theatre award.
A couple who bought a 'once thriving' guest house on the coast were planning to live there with their extended family - only to see their hopes...