Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt

Project Syndicate

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The Way Forward in Syria

17.12.2024 20

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(POGLED) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Putinove največje napake

Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je v svojem dolgem govoru na letnem zasedanju debatnega kluba Valdaj pretekli mesec poskušal predstaviti svoj pogled...

13.12.2024 6


Carl Bildt

Putin's march of folly

NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his view...

30.11.2024 30

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

Putin's march of folly

NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his view...

26.11.2024 30

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

Putin’s March of Folly

NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his view...

20.11.2024 40

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(POGLED) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Zmaga Izraela morda ne bo prinesla miru

Reuters V nadaljevanju preberite: - Strogo vojaško gledano Izrael niza uspeh za uspehom, odkar ga je Hamasov napad 7. oktobra 2023, ki velja za...

12.11.2024 20


Carl Bildt

An Israeli victory may not bring peace

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – With the death of Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader who planned the Oct. 7, 2023, attack that triggered the Gaza war, an Israeli...

27.10.2024 20

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

An Israeli Victory May Not Bring Peace

STOCKHOLM – With the death of Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader who planned the October 7, 2023, attack that triggered the Gaza war, an Israeli...

23.10.2024 20

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

Where is the war in Ukraine heading?

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine now well into its third year, there are mounting...

30.09.2024 20

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

Where is the war in Ukraine heading?

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine now well into its third year, there are mounting...

25.09.2024 50

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

Where Is the War in Ukraine Heading?

STOCKHOLM – With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine now well into its third year, there are mounting questions...

20.09.2024 50

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(POGLED) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Ozemeljska celovitost pomeni vse

Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Čeprav imajo države različne razloge za to, da v konfliktu z Rusijo podpirajo Ukrajino, je vsem skupno, da...

23.08.2024 30


Carl Bildt

Territorial integrity means everything

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – Since 2014, Russia has brazenly violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity with incursions, illegal annexations, and a...

21.08.2024 50

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

Territorial Integrity Means Everything

STOCKHOLM – Since 2014, Russia has brazenly violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity with incursions, illegal annexations, and a full-scale...

19.08.2024 40

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(POGLED) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Žalostinka za Ukrajino in Zahod

Donald Trump in njegov podpredsedniški adut Vance Reuters V nadaljevanju preberite: - Rusija je nedvomno večja od Ukrajine. Toda če bi morala...

01.08.2024 20


Carl Bildt

A Hillbilly Elegy for Ukraine and the West

STOCKHOLM – In a commentary published by the New York Times this past April, J.D. Vance, now the Republican vice-presidential nominee, proposed a...

23.07.2024 20

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

What the Next EU Leadership Must Do

STOCKHOLM – Now that voters across the European Union’s 27 member states have elected the 720 members of the next European Parliament, the focus...

24.06.2024 60

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

What the next EU leadership must do

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – Now that voters across the European Union’s 27 member states have elected the 720 members of the next European Parliament,...

24.06.2024 20

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

(GLOBALNA ARENA) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Nevarno zatekanje k protekcionizmu

U.S. President Joe Biden walks as he arrives at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Roman Catholic Church in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., May 25, 2024....

28.05.2024 90


Carl Bildt

Dangerous retreat into protectionism

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – Trade barriers, tariffs, and other protectionist tools are starting to feature more prominently around the world, often...

23.05.2024 80

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

The Dangerous Retreat into Protectionism

STOCKHOLM – Trade barriers, tariffs, and other protectionist tools are starting to feature more prominently around the world, often appearing under...

21.05.2024 80

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(GLOBALNA ARENA) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Trump je trenutno edino Putinovo upanje

Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Ker so razmere za Ukrajino vse slabše, bi lahko Kremelj razglasil zmago v propagandni vojni. Čeprav si mnogi...

30.04.2024 100


Carl Bildt

Trump Is Putin’s Only Hope Now

STOCKHOLM – The news this past week was undoubtedly met with relief in Kyiv and with grief in the Kremlin. The US Congress finally broke its...

25.04.2024 40

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

The Indo-Pacific strategy's fatal blind spot

Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – Is the dominance of “Indo-Pacific” thinking leading Western strategists astray? Originating in Australian foreign policy...

26.03.2024 30

The Korea Times

Carl Bildt

(GLOBALNA ARENA) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Usodna šibka točka indo-pacifiške strategije

Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Ne le, da sta Kitajska in Rusija napovedali "partnerstvo brez meja", državi obvladujeta tudi večji del...

26.03.2024 30


Carl Bildt

The Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Fatal Blind Spot

STOCKHOLM – Is the dominance of “Indo-Pacific” thinking leading Western strategists astray? Originating in Australian foreign-policy circles,...

20.03.2024 40

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(GLOBALNA ARENA) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Navalni bo nekoč v Rusiji spoštovan

EPA Z Navalnim sva se prvič srečala na začetku leta 2011, ko so me povabili v Moskvo, da bi imel govor na konferenci v čast Andreju Saharovu,...

29.02.2024 20


Carl Bildt

Russia Will Honor Navalny Someday

STOCKHOLM – We may never know exactly how and why Alexei Navalny died in the remote Arctic penal colony where he was detained. The communiqué that...

21.02.2024 10

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

Extremism From the River to the Sea

STOCKHOLM – The reported death toll among Palestinians in Gaza now exceeds 25,000, and still there is no end in sight for the fighting, nor any...

23.01.2024 20

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt

(GLOBALNA ARENA) Kolumna Carla Bildta: Putinova slepa ulica. Kdaj se bomo lahko pogovarjali o miru?

Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je med svojo letno tiskovno konferenco dal jasno vedeti, da bo mirovni sporazum z...

21.12.2023 10


Carl Bildt

Putin’s Dead-End

STOCKHOLM – In his annual press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear that he will be ready for a peace settlement with Ukraine...

19.12.2023 20

Project Syndicate

Carl Bildt
