Brian Feeney

Brian Feeney

The Irish News

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With Britain in a doom loop, it’s hand-to-mouth for the forseeable future

A couple of years ago, think tanks and economic experts in Britain began to agree that the country is in what they called a ‘doom loop’ in...

yesterday 40

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Another milestone passed in preparation for border poll

The momentum gathers, the pace accelerates. In June at the SSE Arena, Leo Varadkar told the thousands in the audience: “What I hope we’ll see...

wednesday 9

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Jim Allister’s one-man band won’t get a hearing in Westminster

19.07.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Trade, not Casement Park, is the main priority for Keir Starmer and Simon Harris

Casement Park will be on the agenda when the taoiseach meets Keir Starmer at Chequers today. We know that because Simon Harris told us on Sunday....

18.07.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Today’s Twelfth is Exhibit A of unionism’s decline

Today marks the high point of unionist culture, or rather, that’s what it used to be. The Twelfth was the day when unionism displayed who it was and...

13.07.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Starmer’s Labour is just the new Conservative party

Monday’s exhibition of colonial forelock-tugging from some of the parties here was nauseating. What a privilege to be noticed by the great white...

10.07.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

‘Uniting the community’ is Alliance’s category error

Wolfgang Pauli, who won the Nobel prize for physics in 1945, had zero tolerance for balderdash, mathematical or any other kind. One of his responses...

03.07.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

British general elections have nothing to do with us, so why do some parties pretend they do?

As usual a British general election throws the anomalous position of the north into sharp relief. British general elections have nothing to do with...

28.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

New Prime Minister must treat British-Irish Council with the respect it deserves

The British-Irish Council (BIC) meeting on the Isle of Man last Friday was pretty much a non-event, partly because there’s a British general...

27.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Unionists need to realise that when English politicians talk about the ‘union’, they mean Scotland

Leaving aside the relative party strengths shown in the latest LucidTalk poll, the rank order of which hasn’t changed, what is remarkable is the...

21.06.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Varadkar intervention a game changer in unity debate

Taken together, Leo Varadkar’s remarks in his interview with Jim Fitzpatrick at the Ireland’s Future conference on Saturday constitute a game...

20.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Why would anyone want the endorsement of Nigel Farage?

Jim Allister declared he was “disappointed” that Nigel Farage had endorsed two DUP candidates, Ian Óg and the party’s conference clown, Sammy...

15.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Was last weekend an aberration for Sinn Féin, or was 2020 the rogue result?

The council and Euro elections in the south were in some ways uncannily like those in 2019, but in other ways different. The results raise more...

12.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Calling for Sinn Féin to take its seats at Westminster is a distraction from the big picture

I’m afraid, Alex, you’re concentrating on what the Greeks called ‘adiaphora’ – inessentials, matters of indifference. You’re also...

07.06.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

SDLP needs to get real and accepts politics in north is sectarian

Nominations of candidates for the Westminster election close on Friday so we don’t know all the runners and riders yet, but watching the parties...

05.06.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Goodbye and good riddance to our Brexit hard men

We’re told self-styled ‘hard man of Brexit’ Steve Baker is on holiday in Greece. That brings to mind, though in entirely different context,...

31.05.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

The big question for this election is if the raison d’etre for north is gone

Fighting a British general election in the north is an anomaly. Strangely, most of the parties here don’t realise that. They talk as if they’re in...

29.05.2024 40

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Why does it take Britain so long to address public wrongs?

Delay, dysfunction, dereliction of duty. Stormont during the Covid pandemic? Yes, but Westminster all the time. Why does it take Britain so long –...

25.05.2024 50

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Sea border will be only solution to migration problem

Sixteen days from now, on June 7, voters in the Republic go to the polls to elect nearly 1,000 councillors and 14 MEPs in three enormous...

22.05.2024 40

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Empty Brexit noise distracts DUP from facing up to unionism's future

We’re in a holding pattern in more ways than one. ‘Holding pattern’ usually refers to a plane going round in circles before it can land or, as...

19.05.2024 80

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Financial realities show the Executive is just a glorified county council

People are getting antsy about lack of delivery from Stormont, with particular emphasis on the lack of a programme for government. The delay is...

11.05.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

There cannot be an official history of the Troubles

There was a revealing spat last week between the NIO and academic historians about the British government’s plans to bowdlerise the original...

08.05.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Dublin has got itself in a panic-stricken pickle over migration

The Irish government has got itself into a right panic-stricken pickle about migration. It’s difficult to see how they can extricate themselves....

03.05.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

This disgraceful, corrupt, scandal-dogged, lying, dying British government just doesn’t care

Lord Anderson KBE KC was the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation from 2011-17. He was knighted for services to national security and civil...

01.05.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

All-Ireland tourism is a no-brainer and can only increase prosperity

One of the characters in the ‘Nonsense Novels’ of Stephen Leacock, the Canadian humourist, was Lord Ronald. On one occasion “he said nothing;...

26.04.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Unionism needs to know when to hold ‘em – and know when to fold ‘em

The present crisis in unionism offers the opportunity for a new beginning. You might say there’s only a crisis in the DUP, and the DUP isn’t...

25.04.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Counting the cost of Britain’s delusions of grandeur

Last week UCL Policy Lab and Hertford College, Oxford published a report entitled ‘The World in 2040: Renewing the UK’s Approach to International...

19.04.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Fear and loathing of Sinn Féin driving Micheál Martin’s abandonment of north

Changed times. There was a Fianna Fáil ard fheis at the weekend. It didn’t feature in the north’s media, electronic or print. Time was the...

17.04.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Stormont institutions are sustainable but not stable

After the North-South Ministerial Council meeting on Monday, Leo Varadkar’s last political event as taoiseach, he emerged and gave an interview in...

12.04.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Simon Harris’s waffle on Irish unity shows he couldn’t care less about north

Simon Harris, the new taoiseach, is from Greystones, County Wicklow. The town has expanded rapidly in the last 20-odd years and now has a population...

10.04.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

The main challenge for Simon Harris is to make Fine Gael electable again

Barring a thunderbolt striking the Dáil on Tuesday, 37-year old Simon Harris will become the youngest taoiseach since, well, Leo Varadkar. Currently...

05.04.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Sinn Féin is showing leadership – not that the media would tell you

Here’s one change that largely went unremarked by our unionist-dominated media. Though UTV did broadcast the scene, they didn’t mention its...

04.04.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Britain is broke and we’re shackled to its decomposing corpse

Last September The Spectator, a right-of-centre magazine, published an article entitled ‘Broken Britain: what went wrong?’ It was an artful title...

29.03.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

By hook or crook, Britain will never reveal its role in the ‘dirty war’

Hardly a day goes by without a report in this newspaper about one or more inquests into the violent death of someone during the Troubles. Many of...

27.03.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

For northern nationalists, Brexit was Leo Varadkar’s finest hour

In the south, Leo Varadkar will be remembered for the 2018 abortion referendum and for his handling of the Covid pandemic, as well as for the historic...

23.03.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Contrived Stormont debate is just DUP arguing with itself

Alliance’s Sorcha Eastwood had it half right on Tuesday when she said the debate the DUP concocted over adopting a new EU law was “about internal...

23.03.2024 40

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Jim Allister’s act of madness could ensure no unionist seats in Belfast

“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.” There are several versions of that saying but they are all based on the observation...

20.03.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Sinn Féin are right to go to Washington – a boycott would be crackers

We’ve been here before: to boycott or not to boycott? In April 2003 George W Bush flew in to meet Tony Blair at Hillsborough Castle. They were there...

15.03.2024 6

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Keep Michael Gove and his right-wing ideology away from us

As England’s Conservative party lurches rapidly to the right, regrettably followed by the Labour party, the person who has had most success in...

13.03.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Kenova lays bare ‘Big Boys’ Rules’ at heart of Britain’s dirty war

In his book Big Boys’ Rules, which Jon Boutcher refers to in his interim Kenova report, Mark Urban portrayed “a maverick culture where agent...

09.03.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Unionist political leaders are unable to plan for the future because they can’t contemplate a future different from the past

The last stanza of Maurice Craig’s ballad sums up the unionist worm’s eye view of the world. ‘The bricks they will bleed and the rain it will...

08.03.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Alliance Party’s anti-Brexit boost bodes ill for Donaldson and DUP

You have to admit the Alliance party is anything but secretive. The headlines of this week’s opinion poll may be the percentages for and against...

06.03.2024 8

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Not GAA’s job to act as recruiting sergeant for PSNI

Micheál Martin’s Irish News interview last week was wide of the mark about the north in a number of respects but his observations on policing were...

01.03.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

A top-class Casement Park is not a threat to unionists

Last week Micheál Martin told The Irish News he was “concerned that sport is becoming an issue of contention and it shouldn’t be”. He was...

28.02.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Return of North-South Ministerial Council will improve lives of all

During the Irish government’s announcements of funding for projects in the north and all-island developments, it went largely unnoticed that...

23.02.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

For the DUP, the Irish Sea border struggle isn’t over yet

Perhaps you’re one of those who thought that, in the famous line of the English 1966 World Cup commentator, “They think it’s all over”....

21.02.2024 20

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

No longer a Protestant parliament and Protestant state

“We are the people”, a unionist slogan you don’t hear these days, was the populist version of Craig’s infamous boast in April 1934: “We are...

16.02.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

Perfidious Albion and the trashing of the Good Friday Agreement

You’ve read this judgement by General de Gaulle here before but it’s worth reminding you of it again: “For England there is no alliance which...

14.02.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

The Sinn Féin-DUP divide is about more than a united Ireland

The most striking poll in recent times was the LucidTalk/Sunday Times one last October which found that 57% of 18-24 year olds would vote for a united...

09.02.2024 30

The Irish News

Brian Feeney

The lie that there’s no all-island economy

As well as marking exactly two years since the DUP walked out of Stormont, last week also marked four years since Britain left the EU. Did you notice...

07.02.2024 10

The Irish News

Brian Feeney
