Want a Promotion? Three Strategies for Success
In a challenging economy and competitive labor market, promotability is a priority. Every industry values a winning combination of talent, temperament, and teamwork—often cultivated through hard work and smart strategy. Yet beyond the usual factors that render a large pool of competitors equally promotable, there are a few areas to consider where you can stand out from the crowd. Research explains.
Dare to be Different
One way to positively stand out from the workplace crowd is not through your words but through your wardrobe. Silvia Bellezza et al. (2014) in a Journal of Consumer Research paper, the “Red Sneakers Effect,” investigated how people infer status and competence through nonconformity.[i] They examined the effect of nonconforming wardrobe choices such as wearing red sneakers to a formal event or gym clothes to a luxury boutique on perceptions of competence. They found that observers perceive nonconforming individuals as having a higher degree of both........
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