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How To Build Trust in a Relationship: 15 Ways

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Ah, trust in a relationship. It's like avocado in avocado toast. Without it, your relationship is just toast. After all, if you can't trust the other person in a relationship, what's the point? You will be constantly worried that the other person will leave, screw you over, or fail to do what was promised. Being in an untrustworthy relationship can be worse than being in no relationship at all.

How then do you build and maintain trust in a relationship? So often people want it from the other person without themselves doing the things needed to build such trust. People can be like penguins waiting for others to dive off the ice cliff first. Don't be that penguin; instead, start doing these 15 things immediately:

Don't expect others to be mindreaders. In the words of that Madonna song, express yourself. At the same time, listen to others. Hear what they have to say. Do all of this frequently—every day, preferably.

Don't make your communication like political speeches. Be very clear about how you feel, what you are thinking, what's making you happy, and what's concerning you. Blindsiding people with unexpected thoughts and........

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