How Europe is degrading in Europe
The European Idea is anchored by the desire to banish war from the continent forever and foster collective development by creating a quasi-federated Europe. This idea is embodied in the step-by-step creation of the European Union (EU). That idea today looks exceptionally compromised, not least due to growing European divergence about how the EU’s best interests can be secured. Moreover, despite its fundamentally destabilising impact, American power ruthlessly shaping this outcome is compliantly welcomed by European elites. Any “Euro-tiger” image once projected by the EU in its prime has now vanished.
In October last year, I argued that history visibly explains how “the destructive militaristic culture of the Atlantic alliance” that Professor Kishore Mahbubani abhors, stands on the shoulders of an ingrained, Western Warring States experience reaching back well over a thousand years, which followed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. That dismal culture is today sustained and shaped, above all, by the increasing American embrace of forbidding warfare as a primary means to maintain its messianic ambitions as a global hegemon”.
In fact, after two horrific World Wars in the 20th century, Europe demonstrated more than ever before, how it has learned that ending continental warfare is the paramount concern. Immense strides have been made in turning this aspiration into reality.
First came the European Coal and Steal Community, created in 1951, followed by the establishment of the European Community (EC) in 1958. Today’s EU, based on Treaties approved by all member states,........
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