A regular contributor to my favorite blog lost his longtime partner to cancer last year. Since then, every other post is about how depressed he is and how much he misses his partner. Lately he has been complaining that his friends and family decline his invitations to do things with him.

I thought of him when I came across a video on Instagram recently in which a guy describes people as either batteries or vacuums. Those who are batteries are good influences in our lives whose positive energy recharges us and gives us an optimistic outlook.

Those who are vacuums, on the other hand, suck out our energy and drain us of positivity with their constant sadness, complaining and overall negativity.

The guy on the blog has become a vacuum and doesn’t know it. Unless he changes his outlook, his misery will persist and people will continue avoiding him.

First Take: The batteries and vacuums in our lives

First Take: The batteries and vacuums in our lives

A regular contributor to my favorite blog lost his longtime partner to cancer last year. Since then, every other post is about how depressed he is and how much he misses his partner. Lately he has been complaining........

© Yuma Sun