Today’s a very special day for me – and no, it’s not because it’s “4.20.” Instead, it’s the three-year anniversary of when I first became a news writer.

I had just moved back to California from Vermont when I secured a job at an online blog. I applied late one night after partying when I stumbled across an Instagram post calling for applicants, and – since I was an English graduate student who was about to drop out and ditch academia for good – I decided to apply.

Before then, I had never considered becoming a reporter (or, at the time, a blogger). After all, I had spent all of undergrad working as a writing tutor with the intention of going for my M.A. and teaching, but I took a chance on a whim, and it all worked out!

I’m especially glad to have shifted to community-focused journalism, and I value what I’ve learned on my journey (so far).

First Take: Writer anniversary

First Take: Writer anniversary

Today’s a very special day for me – and no, it’s not because it’s “4.20.” Instead, it’s the three-year anniversary of when I first became a news writer.

I had just moved back to California from Vermont........

© Yuma Sun