Some-times I love it, sometimes I hate it. I’m talking about the self-checkout at the store.

An AP story noted that self-checkout was supposed to reduce long lines by having customers scan and bag their own items, free workers to do other things and save on labor costs.

Customers have also complained that they feel like they’re working without being paid. One shopper said she was frustrated by how shopping has become so complicated.

Workers have complained about having to monitoring humans and machines and trying to prevent thefts. A worker told AP that she’s afraid to help or confront shoppers who have become angrier since the pandemic. She would fee safer as a cashier.

It’s not something I had thought about, but it rings true. As the world becomes angrier and more violent, workers could be in danger.

There are pros and cons to self-checkout. I love it when I’m in a hurry. I hate it when I’m tired and don’t feel like scanning and bagging. Sometimes I just want the cashier and bagger do all the work.

First Take: Self-checkout: love it or hate it?

First Take: Self-checkout: love it or hate it?

Some-times I love it, sometimes I hate it. I’m talking about the self-checkout at the store.

An AP story noted that self-checkout was supposed to reduce long lines by having customers scan and bag their own items, free workers to do other things and save........

© Yuma Sun