I believe Valentine’s Day isn’t just for starry-eyed couples–it’s for everyone who wants to celebrate love in all its forms.

Some of my happiest memories of grade school are the Valentine’s Day parties. We all gave and received Valentine’s cards; we spent time writing and reading kind words. We ate candy and enjoyed a jovial moment when nothing was on our minds but friendship and love.

The world has become more contentious, and I’ll take any moment to celebrate people being kind to each other. Let’s spend the week like we’re back in the simpler times of grade school and let everyone know we care about them.

Whether you’re munching on chocolates with your best buds or cozying up with a significant other, Valentine’s Day is about cherishing the connections that make life sweeter. So, let’s indulge in treats, laughter, and heartfelt gestures, embracing the spirit of camaraderie that transcends romantic boundaries.

First Take: Valentine’s Day is More Than Roses and Romance

First Take: Valentine’s Day is More Than Roses and Romance

I believe Valentine’s Day isn’t just for starry-eyed couples–it’s for everyone who wants to celebrate love in all its forms.

Some of my happiest memories of grade school are the Valentine’s Day parties. We all gave and........

© Yuma Sun