To put the saddle on Brad, you had to pay in pepper-mints. It was always one for the ride and another for the road plus the handful in between. But when his teeth got bad, there were no more peppermints. When his back got worse, no more riding.

By the time Brad got retired to Virginia, he just missed Sporty. You hear all kinds of ways a horse goes in the end. But I’ll never understand how Sporty, the horse who always attached himself to the other horses, was found way off from the other horses, under the trees.

Just as I’ll never understand how when we visited Brad, the horse who always kept himself way off from the other horses, he had found himself a place in the gray-faced herd.

How much harm could a peppermint do? The better question was: how many horses could a peppermint attract?

First Take: Brad Gone Virginia

First Take: Brad Gone Virginia

To put the saddle on Brad, you had to pay in pepper-mints. It was always one for the ride and another for the road plus the handful in between. But when his teeth got bad, there were no more peppermints.........

© Yuma Sun