On the morning of Jan. 23, a 28-year-old man entered Edmonton City Hall and began shooting walls and windows with a semi-automatic assault rifle and also lit several incendiary explosive devices. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident, and the suspect was taken into custody.

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It was later revealed from a YouTube manifesto that the suspect was a Hamas sympathizer and specifically called on people to “rise up” and “put a stop to this genocide in Gaza.” He also declared that he was on a “mission” before entering the building.

Curiously, this incident received very little or no media coverage at all by the left-leaning mainstream media. Most people were not even aware of the incident. There has been virtually no mention of it by the federal government or the Prime Minister. I find this nearly as disturbing as the incident itself.

Shooting up and firebombing a public space is not a typical property crime – it was an apparent deadly threat to public safety and involved a radical ideology. The fact that no one was injured or killed is irrelevant – people were clearly placed in a scenario of grave danger. Yet, incredibly, there has been no mention or consideration of the incident as an act of terrorism. This at a time when we are witnessing more frequent and escalating incidents of violence and threats against Jewish communities in Canada.

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Anti-Semitism appears to be the underlying motive responsible for this violence. Yet, these incidents continue to be “normalized” by the media. Hate of any form has no place in our society and must be dealt with firmly independent of political or social agendas.

The individual responsible is facing six criminal charges, including “reckless arson” and “careless use of a firearm.” This was a premeditated, Hamas-inspired terror attack with an assault rifle and homemade Molotov Cocktails at the Edmonton City Hall. “Reckless arson” and “Careless use of a firearm” hardly reflect the seriousness of the crime. These acts were not careless – they were obviously intentional and planned, complete with a pre-recorded agenda video.

A terrorist act is defined as “the endangerment of human life, property or infrastructure that causes damage or incites fear” and is committed for “political, religious, ethnic or ideological purposes.”

By any reasonable standard, this was an act of terrorism.

And still, we have heard nothing from our prime minister reassuring all Canadians, and Jewish communities in particular, that public safety is a priority.

Blatant acts of anti-Semitism are unfortunately becoming all too common in our society. Religious and ideological differences will never be bridged by acts of violence and terrorism. We must stand up against this hate, and our elected leaders must be clear that lawlessness, regardless of motive, will not be tolerated.

— Kevin Klein is a former Tory cabinet minister, a former city councillor and a former Winnipeg Sun publisher.

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KLEIN: Edmonton incident was terrorism

KLEIN: Edmonton incident was terrorism

On the morning of Jan. 23, a 28-year-old man entered Edmonton City Hall and began shooting walls and windows with a semi-automatic assault rifle and also lit several incendiary explosive devices. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident, and the suspect was taken into custody.

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It was later revealed from a YouTube manifesto that the suspect was a Hamas sympathizer and specifically called on people to “rise up” and “put a stop to this genocide in Gaza.” He also declared that he was on a “mission” before entering the building.

Curiously, this incident received very little or no media coverage at all by the left-leaning mainstream media. Most people were not even aware of the incident. There has been virtually no mention of it by the federal government or the........

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