Black History Month is winding down but you still have time to support black-owned businesses in Winnipeg like Plates 4 Rates. You don’t even have to leave your house, thanks to a special promotion through DoorDash. #BlackFoodEnergy allows you to order in some of the great food that’s being served up in our city. We had DoorDash bring us several wonderful dishes from Plates 4 Rates last weekend. Owners Elizabeth Omoboyede and Darnell Barrett offer a wide range of favourites from Nigeria (Elizabeth) and the Caribbean (Darnell). It’s a fantastic fusion! My wife Jackie and I loved it all but our favourite was the jerk chicken, served with rice and peas and coleslaw. The peppered turkey was also awesome. We didn’t try the oxtail but several reviewers at say it’s excellent. We’ll have to try it next time. And the portions were very generous. Thanks Elizabeth, Darnell and DoorDash!

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I haven’t tried it yet but they’ve put my name on the menu at St. James Burger. The Hot Hal (two words that just don’t go together) is basically a jalapeno BBQ bacon burger. Owner Ravi Ramberran says they did it to say thanks for all I do. Aw, thank YOU Ravi. And by the way, Ravi does way more for this community than I do so please support his restaurants including Dreamland Diner and Four Crowns.

It’s been 30 years since food ate up this much of our income. The last time food costs were this high compared to people’s incomes, papa Bush was president of the United States. That’s right, George H.W. Bush was in the White House. Terminator 2: Judgement Day was in theatres. And C+C Music Factory was rocking the Billboard charts. Inflation continues to ease but food prices are still rising, albeit not as quickly.

In honor of the Lunar New Year, Starbucks has added pork-flavoured coffee to its menu at some locations in China. Abundant Year Savory Latte is said to have an “interesting” flavour. I’ll bet! The drink is made by combining pork flavouring with espresso and steamed milk. Extra pork sauce and pork breast meat garnish the top. Never before have I needed a toothpick with my coffee…

A&W has used leftover cod sandwiches to create diamonds. They did it by extracting carbon from the leftovers of six Quarter Pound Cod Sandwiches. Then, a machine mimicking the heat and pressure under the earth’s crust transformed the carbon into an orange-colored one carat diamond. It’s a collaboration between A&W, LifeGem and Timeless Treasures of Kentucky to create a line of cod-based jewelry.

TV chef Guy Fieri from Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives is out with some new sauces. The lineup includes Famous Donkey Sauce, Top Secret Sauce, Honey Mustard Sauce, Poppin’ Jalapeño Sauce, Kickin’ Chipotle Sauce and four BBQ sauces. Flavours range from spicy to sweet.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at

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HAL'S KITCHEN: Plates 4 Rates is great!

HAL'S KITCHEN: Plates 4 Rates is great!

Black History Month is winding down but you still have time to support black-owned businesses in Winnipeg like Plates 4 Rates. You don’t even have to leave your house, thanks to a special promotion through DoorDash. #BlackFoodEnergy allows you to order in some of the great food that’s being served up in our city. We had DoorDash bring us several wonderful dishes from Plates 4 Rates last weekend. Owners Elizabeth Omoboyede and Darnell Barrett offer a wide range of favourites from Nigeria (Elizabeth) and the Caribbean (Darnell). It’s a fantastic fusion! My wife Jackie and I loved it all but our favourite was the jerk chicken, served with rice and peas and coleslaw. The peppered turkey was also awesome. We didn’t try the oxtail but several reviewers at say it’s excellent. We’ll have to try it next time. And the portions were very generous. Thanks Elizabeth, Darnell and DoorDash!

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