Winnipeg Blue Bomber great Chris Walby says he doesn’t just like San Francisco in Sunday’s Super Bowl … he loves the 49ers! Mostly because of the team’s 24-year-old quarterback, Brock Purdy, who’s gone from Mr. Irrelevant as the last pick in the 2022 draft to football’s biggest game. If you’re still not sure where you’ll be watching the Super Bowl, Walby will be hosting the bash at Pony Corral Nairn. The other two Pony Parties will also feature Bomber legends. Willie Jefferson will be at Pony Pier 7 and over at Grant, it’s Rod Hill. During the game, it’s half-price wings and ribbees and Bud and Bud Light draft is a dollar off. Pony owner Peter Ginakes has also lined up lots of cool prizes, including a Budwieser fridge, a Bud speaker tower, an official NFL jersey and an NFL Shop gift card. Go KC!

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I was shocked to learn from foster parents in my circle of friends that they haven’t seen an increase in the support they get from government in more than 12 years. And I’m not talking about a paycheque here, I’m referring to the money and other help they get to raise the children in their care. So I reached out to Jamie Pfau, president of the Manitoba Foster Parents’ Association. She says the situation is dire, probably as bad as it’s ever been. A recent survey of association members found 80% of them don’t feel appreciated, valued or validated. These fill-in moms and dads who do this out of love deserve better. They often dig into their own pockets for these kids and they shouldn’t have to. Jamie worries that if we lose any more foster parents, these children in need will end up in situations far less perfect. And compared to the rest of the country, this province is in the basement, according to Pfau. Let me send a message, loud and clear, to all foster parents…YOU ARE APPRECIATED! Let’s make sure we do more to recruit and retain these very special people.

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Winter roads are a mess! As a result, Indigenous leaders in northern Manitoba have declared a state of emergency and they’re calling for an all-season road. But University of Manitoba professor Barry Prentice is making a familiar pitch … airships are the best option. He’s been advocating for them for many years. Prentice says airships can get it done and at a much better price. He claims a single-lane gravel road up north could cost as much as $4 million dollars per kilometre. Airships are cutting it elsewhere, why not here?

If you haven’t given up your landline yet, get ready to do so. Phone companies are getting closer to phasing them out completely. The process is already underway in France and the UK and in California, AT&T has applied for a waiver which would allow it to stop servicing traditional phone lines. There’s simply no stopping new technology, even if the old tech works better.

This might be the best Valentine’s Day promotion I’ve ever seen. Who Gives A Crap is a recycled toilet paper company that’s putting love letters from people’s exes on bathroom tissue. The Flush Your Ex program promises to magically transform their BS into TP. According to the company, “Nothing says closure like knowing that someone, somewhere is putting those sweet nothings exactly where they belong.” Submissions need to be in by Feb. 29.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at

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HAL’S HEADLINES: Walby picks 49ers in Super Bowl

HAL’S HEADLINES: Walby picks 49ers in Super Bowl

Winnipeg Blue Bomber great Chris Walby says he doesn’t just like San Francisco in Sunday’s Super Bowl … he loves the 49ers! Mostly because of the team’s 24-year-old quarterback, Brock Purdy, who’s gone from Mr. Irrelevant as the last pick in the 2022 draft to football’s biggest game. If you’re still not sure where you’ll be watching the Super Bowl, Walby will be hosting the bash at Pony Corral Nairn. The other two Pony Parties will also feature Bomber legends. Willie Jefferson will be at Pony Pier 7 and over at Grant, it’s Rod Hill. During the game, it’s half-price wings and ribbees and Bud and Bud Light draft is a dollar off. Pony owner Peter Ginakes has also lined up lots of cool prizes, including a Budwieser fridge, a Bud speaker tower, an official NFL jersey and an NFL Shop gift card. Go KC!

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I was shocked to learn from foster parents in my circle of friends that they haven’t seen an increase in the support they get from government in more than 12 years. And I’m not talking about a........

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