Winnipeg’s Amanda Buhse was at the Emmys on Monday night. No, not to present or accept one of the TV trophies, instead she filled the seats of celebrities when they had to go on stage. And she did it on her own dime, just so she could experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I love it! Good for you, Amanda. I’ve been blessed with some amazing brushes with greatness over my 40-year media career. Probably the most memorable was when I got to hang with John Candy during the 1991 Grey Cup celebrations. Tell me about your favourite brush with greatness story in an email to

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He’s still going strong after more than 55 years. Al Simmons is out with a new album called The Whistling Egg Man And Other Tall Tales. As I’m sure you’re aware, Al is an incredible one-man, multi-prop performer who puts on great shows. You’ll be able to see him at Festival du Voyageur next month and you can grab his latest disc online. Or if you prefer, hardcopies of it are available at a few spots around town, including Black Market Provisions at 550-Osborne where you can also buy just-like-mom-made hamburger soup and one of the best cookies I’ve ever eaten which just happens to be vegan. And even if you don’t buy the album, figure out a way to check out a wonderfully sad song from Al called We Came Here Too Late. I gave it a listen on YouTube. If you know a kid who’s dealing with an older adult in their life with Alzheimer’s, this tune may help them through it.

The cold snap that we’re finally coming out of has been tough on some electric vehicles and the people who drive them. EV owners in the U.S., where it’s also been extremely cold, are reporting reduced battery life and long lines at charging stations. One Tesla driver says he had to call a tow truck to get his car to a charger. Another EV owner says “it’s horrible…it takes two hours to charge, then the charge leaves really quickly, so now you’re back at the charger twice a day.” It’s also interesting how GM, Ford and VW are lowering their targets for EV sales but ramping up production of hybrids.

The world’s biggest professional networking site is being used for much more than getting a job. People are also turning to LinkedIn to find love. According to a new survey of singles between 20 and 40 years old, over half of them (52%) are using LinkedIn as a dating site. And when you narrow the ages down to 35 to 40, that number jumps to 61%.

A new study at the University of Illinois Chicago says close to half of cities could become ghost towns by 2100. In a modest scenario, about 50% of cities might lose as much as one-quarter of their populations. And if fertility rates keep declining and urban exodus worsens, up to two-thirds of cities may experience significant population decline.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at

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HAL’S HEADLINES: Sitting in on the Emmys a seat-filler's dream

HAL’S HEADLINES: Sitting in on the Emmys a seat-filler's dream

Winnipeg’s Amanda Buhse was at the Emmys on Monday night. No, not to present or accept one of the TV trophies, instead she filled the seats of celebrities when they had to go on stage. And she did it on her own dime, just so she could experience the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I love it! Good for you, Amanda. I’ve been blessed with some amazing brushes with greatness over my 40-year media career. Probably the most memorable was when I got to hang with John Candy during the 1991 Grey Cup celebrations. Tell me about your favourite brush with greatness story in an email to

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He’s still going strong after more than 55 years. Al Simmons is out with a new album called The Whistling Egg Man And Other Tall Tales. As I’m sure you’re aware, Al is an incredible one-man,........

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