Manitoba PC officials will meet this weekend to discuss how to go about picking their new leader. A weighted point system and electronic ballots are among the items on the agenda. But much more important than that is exactly where this party wants to be on the political spectrum. I don’t know about you but I was confused during last year’s election campaign. I also think it’s time for generational change at the top. Obby Khan’s name gets mentioned often and I think he’d be a good choice. But there are also a lot of new Tory MLAs who may get traction, especially if the process of picking a leader extends deep into 2024. The Conservatives had better get all of it right if they hope to limit Wab Kinew’s NDP government to just one term.

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One of my favourite charities could really use your help right now. Nicole Frey, founder of the Animal Food Bank Foundation, says demand is up, donations are down and volunteers are needed. I know times are tough but if you’re able to, please donate food, cash or your time to the AFBF. is the website or you can help out at a number of pet stores in Winnipeg including several Pet Valu and Best West Pet Foods locations.

Hal Knows A Guy (or gal) is all about good people who do good work and then share their contact information with as many people as possible. I’ve written here several times about the Right To Repair Movement which is more important now than ever before. But if you can’t fix it yourself, you need someone who can. Hameed Wafa is my appliance repair guy! Again this week, he saved me several hundred dollars when he was able to bring an old fridge back to life. You can find Hameed Appliance Repair on Facebook or give him a call on his cell at 204-809-3380. This guy can fix any appliance…seriously!

How are you doing with your new intentions for 2024? One survey I came across says more people are focusing this year on dieting rather than dating. Healthy eating (34%) beats out relationship goals (22%). Or maybe you’re giving Dry January a go. If you are, you’re already done with it if you’re average. By the way, 4% of Dry January participants didn’t make it past New Year’s Day.

Most people believe in ghosts, aliens and the devil, according to a new poll. Among those surveyed, 56.9% think aliens are real. 61.4% say the same about ghosts. And 70.3% believe in the devil, which is less than the 85.4% who believe in God.

10 foot tall “strange beings” have been spotted on a Brazilian island. New video of the pair has rumours swirling. The footage shows two giant, humanlike creatures strolling along the foothills of this island off the southeast coast of Brazil. At one point, they can be seen swinging their arms in an eerily humanlike manner.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at

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HAL’S HEADLINES: Provincial Tories need to identify who they are

HAL’S HEADLINES: Provincial Tories need to identify who they are

Manitoba PC officials will meet this weekend to discuss how to go about picking their new leader. A weighted point system and electronic ballots are among the items on the agenda. But much more important than that is exactly where this party wants to be on the political spectrum. I don’t know about you but I was confused during last year’s election campaign. I also think it’s time for generational change at the top. Obby Khan’s name gets mentioned often and I think he’d be a good choice. But there are also a lot of new Tory MLAs who may get traction, especially if the process of picking a leader extends deep into 2024. The Conservatives had better get all of it right if they hope to limit Wab Kinew’s NDP government to just one term.

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One of my favourite charities could really........

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