Just like Premier Wab Kinew pushed pause on the 14-cent-a-litre gas tax in Manitoba, it’s time for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to do the same with his government’s much-hated carbon tax. I’m not sold on the tax’s effectiveness but let’s forget about that for now. For me, it’s about plowing ahead with a 23% increase in the tax on April 1 at a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet. It just doesn’t make any sense. If the Trudeau government doesn’t listen to Canadians on this — I agree with Ontario premier Doug Ford who says affordability is the No. 1 issue right now — and if the tax isn’t cancelled or at least put on hold, the Liberals are going to get annihilated when the election comes. Also, Kinew needs to be stronger on this issue with Ottawa, especially after winning an election just five months ago on a platform which promised to focus on making life more affordable.

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You know spring is getting close when it’s time for Cottage Country’s Lake & Cabin Show. It’s happening this weekend at Red River Exhibition Park. Andrew Walker says it’s their best show yet, with everything you need for your cottage project, all in one place. The featured exhibitors include Arctic Spas, Pine Creek Homes and Canada Docks. You can find out more at LakeAndCabinShow.ca. Another sign of spring is Winnipeg’s 47th annual World Of Wheels next weekend at the RBC Convention Centre. I also know spring is almost here because I’ve been driving with my sunroof open and the heater on full blast.

I love watching birds as they fly up to my feeders at the cottage but this guy has taken birdwatching to a whole new level. Peter Kaestner, 70, is the first person to see and log 10,000 bird species. It’s even more impressive when you consider the whole world has about 11,000 bird species. Kaestner is also the only person to ever spot an orange-tufted spiderhunter.

With more workers returning to the office, employers are having to deal with a new issue. It seems some people have forgotten how to behave. More than 60% of companies say they plan to implement office etiquette training this year. Some of the more common issues include being too loud on speakerphone, leaving a mess and inappropriate attire.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil says artificial intelligence is about to get smarter than us. He predicts AI will achieve human-level intelligence in 2029. Kurzweil actually made the prediction in 1999. Then, people thought he was crazy. Now, there are experts who believe it could happen next year or the year after.

Adam Sandler wasn’t up for an Oscar last weekend but don’t feel too bad for him. He tops the latest list of Hollywood’s highest-paid actors. Thanks to his Netflix rom-com Murder Mystery 2, Adam made $73 million last year. Barbie’s Margot Robbie ($59 million) and Mission Impossible’s Tom Cruise ($45 million) round out the top three.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at Hal@HalAnderson.ca.

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HAL’S HEADLINES: Pause carbon tax too

HAL’S HEADLINES: Pause carbon tax too

Just like Premier Wab Kinew pushed pause on the 14-cent-a-litre gas tax in Manitoba, it’s time for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to do the same with his government’s much-hated carbon tax. I’m not sold on the tax’s effectiveness but let’s forget about that for now. For me, it’s about plowing ahead with a 23% increase in the tax on April 1 at a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet. It just doesn’t make any sense. If the Trudeau government doesn’t listen to Canadians on this — I agree with Ontario premier Doug Ford who says affordability is the No. 1 issue right now — and if the tax isn’t cancelled or at least put on hold, the Liberals are going to get annihilated when the election comes. Also, Kinew needs to be stronger on this issue with Ottawa, especially after winning an election just five months ago on a platform which promised to focus on making life more affordable.

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