Manitoba’s new NDP premier has proven again and again that he’s an astute politician. I just really hope he’s not all talk and no action. And even more important than his actions, will they garner results? Kinew certainly says the right things but it’s still too soon to know if he’ll follow through and whether his efforts will be successful. It’s only been a few months, after all. I’m not confident yet but I am more hopeful than I was after the New Democrats won the provincial election in early October. Let’s call it cautiously optimistic. In wake of the Carman tragedy, Kinew was the empathetic leader I was hoping he’d be when he spoke beautifully at Monday’s RCMP news conference. Leadership like that will bring all Manitobans together. And more than anything, that’s what this province needs right now, whatever the issue. Keep it up, Wab! I wish you lots of luck as you implement your promises. Here’s hoping they benefit all Manitobans, whether they voted for you or not.

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A decade ago, I had a young comedy lover on my radio show at the time to talk about a showcase of local comedians he was putting on. Jared Story was back on my show again this week to promote his 10th anniversary Comedy Showcase which is set for this weekend at Winnipeg’s Park Theatre. Jared has lined up several up and coming local comedians. He’ll sprinkle in his own humour as host of the show. There are still a few tickets available at Thanks, Jared, for all you’ve done for the local comedy scene. It’s cool how you’ve given an opportunity to so many people who otherwise might not have had a stage to be funny on.

Wisdom isn’t the only thing that comes with age. A study says we’re happiest and most self-confident in our 60s. One of the authors, Psychiatrist Dilip Jeste, says it’s likely because you’re able to brush off everyday stressors when you’re older. People in their 20s and 30s reported the most depression, anxiety and stress, as well as lower levels of happiness.

A new study says cannabis extract slows down the growth of melanoma cells and increases their death rates. Researchers from Charles Darwin University and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology say their study focused on a specific extract from the cannabis sativa plant known as cannabinoid PHEC-66.

More men are wearing engagement rings. It began in other countries, like Chile, Sweden and Brazil, but lately it’s been happening here too. Jewellery companies of all sizes are getting wise to the demand and introducing collections of engagement rings designed specifically for men.

What would you give up if you never had to clean your bathroom again? A new survey says 25% would give up eating takeout. 23% would stop watching their favourite TV show. 22% would give up Internet access for a whole year. The survey also says 34% think the bathroom is the most challenging room in the house to clean.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at

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HAL’S HEADLINES: I hope Wab Kinew is the real deal

HAL’S HEADLINES: I hope Wab Kinew is the real deal

Manitoba’s new NDP premier has proven again and again that he’s an astute politician. I just really hope he’s not all talk and no action. And even more important than his actions, will they garner results? Kinew certainly says the right things but it’s still too soon to know if he’ll follow through and whether his efforts will be successful. It’s only been a few months, after all. I’m not confident yet but I am more hopeful than I was after the New Democrats won the provincial election in early October. Let’s call it cautiously optimistic. In wake of the Carman tragedy, Kinew was the empathetic leader I was hoping he’d be when he spoke beautifully at Monday’s RCMP news conference. Leadership like that will bring all Manitobans together. And more than anything, that’s what this province needs right now, whatever the issue. Keep it up, Wab! I wish you lots of luck as you implement your promises. Here’s hoping they benefit all Manitobans, whether they voted for you........

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