Examine, a free weekly newsletter covering science with a sceptical, evidence-based eye, is sent every Tuesday. You’re reading an excerpt – sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.

In early 2022, I joined the spluttering hordes queueing up to find out whether the virus we’d spent the past two years avoiding had finally caught up with us.

Multiple rapid antigen tests told me I didn’t have COVID-19, but my headache and burning fever said otherwise. Almost everyone I knew was either sick or isolating – a New Year’s hangover of epic proportions.

Endless queues of cars and pedestrians outside pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics are one of the lingering images of the pandemic.Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

By the time the PCR results came back positive five days later, I was halfway through my isolation period and on the mend.

Essential as they were in the fight against COVID, my experience (and that of thousands of other Australians) shows the limitations of unreliable RATs and a cumbersome PCR testing regime that cracked under pressure and has now been mostly phased out.

“A RAT is not really very sensitive … and PCR is not going to get out of the lab,” says Professor Ewa Goldys, whose team of Sydney scientists believe they have found the answer: a “lab in your pocket” device that looks and functions just like a rapid antigen test, but has the accuracy of a lab-based PCR.

In a study published in Nature Communications on Tuesday (AEDT), the researchers from the University of NSW and Garvan Institute combined Nobel prize-winning science with tiny DNA nano-circles to detect a target gene sequence (in this case, that of COVID-19) in just a few molecules of a chosen sample.

Many Australians have had mixed experiences with rapid antigen tests, or RATs.Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

The technology could also be used to detect potential invasive marine species, indicate the presence or absence of a particular threatened species in environment samples, or even monitor cancer mutations in patients.

First, let’s look at the tools for detecting COVID we currently have at our disposal.

PCR (or polymerase chain reaction) testing works by amplifying the tiniest fragments of a sample DNA to see if it matches the genetic code of COVID-19. It is considered the gold standard for diagnosing COVID, but it also takes several hours, takes up health resources and is expensive (about $100 per test, although they are still covered by Medicare for some people).

Rapid antigen tests, meanwhile, look for a particular protein of the virus (known as an antigen) by detecting if a swab sample reacts to a solution. But because a RAT doesn’t amplify the viral sample, it is less effective than PCR, and may not detect anything unless the patient is symptomatic (generally within the first seven days of infection).

To detect COVID-19, Goldys and her team used a different technique, called CRISPR/Cas, which involves two components: a protein that works like molecular scissors to cut the DNA, and a guide RNA (which acts like a DNA “photocopier”) that can find sequences of DNA to be edited. The two combine to allow scientists to edit DNA strands like sentences on a page.

The scientists created DNA nano-molecules about two nanometres in size and invisible under a microscope (a human hair is 80,000 to 100,000 nanometres wide). They then programmed their CRISPR/Cas proteins to cut these fake targets, but only when combined and activated by the target pathogen – in this case, COVID-19 – on a testing strip.

“The moment it [the target pathogen] activates them, they start cutting those nano-molecules and making them straight,” Goldys says. “One single DNA gives rise to thousands and thousands of fake targets. It’s a chain reaction.”

This reaction shows up as two lines on a testing strip, just like a RAT.

‘This technology has amazing potential. Now we just need to develop it into a practical application and see how it plays out.’

Goldys says the strips are inexpensive (about 25 cents each to produce in a lab) and the technology has already attracted interest from private companies and the Australian Defence Force – with the potential to be incorporated into the industrial infrastructure for RNA vaccine production on Australian shores.

“If we have another pandemic, we would want to be able to roll out the diagnostic technology as quickly as possible, and this technology can absolutely do it,” she says.

Chair of epidemiology at Deakin University, Professor Catherine Bennett, says the tools Australia has developed to screen and test for COVID will be useful in the fight against any new pathogens on the horizon – and gene-based testing will be “another piece in the puzzle”.

“I do think this is a real game changer,” she says. “It won’t always be perfect, these systems aren’t, but it’s a major step if you’ve actually got PCR equivalents in a point-of-care test.”

Associate Professor Paul Griffin, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Queensland, says the pandemic demonstrated that science can make it into the real world much faster than previously thought, and it is now a matter of developing the gene technology into a test that can be manufactured and distributed to those who need it.

“Testing I think is just so important, and I think we’ve lost sight of that a little bit now,” he says. “This technology has amazing potential. Now we just need to develop it into a practical application and see how it plays out.”

The technology also has implications beyond viruses. In biosecurity, for example, crops like grains and bananas could be quickly screened for diseases that could affect local production, without the need to physically transport samples to a lab for PCR testing.

But the most interesting applications of the CRISPR technique, which won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020, are in cancer. The study by Goldys and her team also showed their biosensing method could detect cancer mutations in clinical patient samples.

“Because of the breadth of applications, there is a possibility of future applications, especially in the area of cancer detection,” Goldys says. “But that’s in the distant future, we don’t know yet.”

Examine, a free weekly newsletter covering science with a sceptical, evidence-based eye, is sent every Tuesday. You’re reading an excerpt – sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.

COVID testing is expensive and unreliable. Scientists think there’s a better way

COVID testing is expensive and unreliable. Scientists think there’s a better way

Examine, a free weekly newsletter covering science with a sceptical, evidence-based eye, is sent every Tuesday. You’re reading an excerpt – sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.

In early 2022, I joined the spluttering hordes queueing up to find out whether the virus we’d spent the past two years avoiding had finally caught up with us.

Multiple rapid antigen tests told me I didn’t have COVID-19, but my headache and burning fever said otherwise. Almost everyone I knew was either sick or isolating – a New Year’s hangover of epic proportions.

Endless queues of cars and pedestrians outside pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics are one of the lingering images of the pandemic.Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

By the time the PCR results came back positive five days later, I was halfway through my isolation period and on the mend.

Essential as they were in the fight against COVID, my experience (and that of thousands of other Australians) shows the limitations of unreliable RATs and a cumbersome PCR testing regime that cracked under pressure and has now been mostly phased out.

“A RAT is not really very sensitive … and PCR is not going to get out of the lab,” says Professor Ewa Goldys, whose team of Sydney scientists believe they have found the answer: a “lab in your pocket” device that looks and functions just like a rapid antigen test, but has the accuracy of a lab-based PCR.

In a study published in Nature Communications on Tuesday (AEDT), the researchers from the University of NSW and Garvan Institute combined Nobel prize-winning science........

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