As Bucks face Pacers, I'll pull for coach with real love for his city

Contrary to what he might tell you, I did not actually try to kill Doc Rivers.

It is true that back in the day, at the start of his sophomore season at Marquette University in 1981, which was my first year covering the team for The Milwaukee Journal, I was supposed to take him out to dinner after practice at the old gym on 16th and Clybourn streets in order to interview him for a major feature in Sunday's paper.

As I inched my Toyota out of the driveway between two parked cars, I was hit by a car coming up the hill with no lights on. I immediately turned to Rivers, still called Glenn at the time, and said, "Don't tell Hank (Raymonds)!" But it was the smallest of fender benders and barely delayed our dinner/interview.

Many, many years later, he was coaching the Boston Celtics and I was covering the Cleveland Cavaliers. Rivers was holding a press briefing outside his locker room, and my Cleveland colleagues and I passed by en route to the Cavs locker room.

Rivers interrupted his press briefing and yelled, "Ask her how she nearly killed me."

A slight exaggeration, though it definitely caught the attention of the Boston and Cleveland........