Will Biden endorse Harris? What happens if president drops out.

The pressure from leaders in his own party on President Joe Biden to give up the Democratic nomination is mounting. They fear that Biden will not only lose to Republican nominee Donald Trump, but also drag down the party’s hopes of keeping at least one chamber of Congress.

Biden could get out of the race for president soon, possibly this weekend, although his campaign chair insisted on Friday that he is "more committed than ever" to staying on as the Democratic nominee and defeating Trump.

As one of the people who called on Democrats to replace Biden early in this process, I strongly believe that the sooner Biden gets out, the better for his party.

But how he gets out matters as much as when. Here are four scenarios:

The Anointing: Biden endorses Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement and encourages the party to do so as well. The vast majority of Democratic delegates are pledged to vote for Biden, and in theory they should listen to him. Also, it would be really hard for a party that relies on Black voters in so many crucial states, and is running on women’s issues such as abortion access, to turn down the first Black, South Asian and female vice president of the United States. She’s the logical........