Opinion: Why did Harris lose white women? She can blame herself.

Much like in 2016, I didn’t vote for the woman at the top of the ticket Tuesday.

It’s not because I have fear of a female president. I’m all for the idea.

But don’t expect me and other women to line up for a candidate simply because of her sex – or any other immutable characteristic. I want someone who will stand for my principles and beliefs.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who avoided going through the Democratic primary by booting President Joe Biden last minute from the ticket, proved a completely uninspiring and unsubstantial candidate.

And a lot of voters saw through the charade – including many white women.

In what many expected to be a nail-biter of an election, former President Donald Trump easily trounced Harris.

It’s because he was the better candidate and because he spoke directly to voters’ top concerns. Period.

Yet, that reality hasn’t prevented the tired hand-wringing that Harris’ loss must be tied to something nefarious, such as America’s inherent racism and sexism. Or, even worse, some on the left will try to say many white women didn’t have the wherewithal to stand up to the men in their........