Opinion: Running scared – Harris resorts to 'fascist' fears to beat Trump

For a candidate who has inexplicably changed her view on every major issue, perhaps it’s not surprising that Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign has also done a complete 180.

What began this summer with an explosion of “joy” and “good vibes” has suddenly morphed into something very different, now that we're closing in on the election.

Democrats seized on Harris’ happy persona and her big smile, and for a while, that seemed to be enough to put her within striking distance of former President Donald Trump. It also helped that she wasn’t her boss, President Joe Biden, whose decline had become impossible to cover up.

Harris’ initial jolt has fizzled, however, and polls indicate that she’s losing ground in these crucial final days of the campaign – while Trump is gaining it.

That’s why in recent days, the tenor of Harris’ campaign has changed dramatically from one of joy to one of fearmongering. Gone are the days of focusing on her “opportunity economy.” Now is the time for calling Trump a “fascist.”

At several recent events, Harris doubled down on dire warnings about what a second Trump term would look like. From her residence in Washington, D.C.,........