What About Rape and Abortion?
Imagine, for a moment, watching repeated news stories where someone says that a person like you shouldn’t exist. Imagine hearing, over and over again, that you should be dead. Imagine someone telling you on TV or in real life that you should have been aborted.
That’s been my experience nearly my whole life. I was conceived in rape. (I share my perspective in new video ads here and here.)
Lately, the tragedy of rape is being pervasively and politically exploited to justify all abortions. It’s not because there’s some sudden surge of compassion for rape victims but because it’s a useful fear tactic that bizarrely pretends the vast majority of abortions are due to rape and incest; it’s less than one percent. This, in no way, diminishes the horrific crime of rape or the ordeal that those who suffer from its inhumanity face. Rape is violence. Abortion is paid violence. Both leave behind injured and abandoned victims.
My birth mom deserved better. The rapist deserved the worst. Yet many would argue I deserved a more severe punishment than the criminal. The Supreme Court even agreed. In 1977, the nation’s Highest Court ruled, in Coker v. Georgia, that a rapist could not receive the death penalty and declared: “…the sentence of death for the crime of rape is grossly disproportionate and excessive punishment, and is therefore forbidden by the Eighth Amendment........
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