Earlier this year, The Washington Post, a persistent provider of disinformation warned Americans: “Doing Your Own Research Is a Good Way to End Up Being Wrong.” The op-ed is not an attempt at satire but an alarming piece of propaganda telling people not to bother to think for themselves.
As we head into this surreal Presidential election, leftist news outlets like The Washington Post peddle in misinformation like a drug dealer at Spring Break. It’s everywhere. They literally want us to get high and mighty from their elitist condescension. Only lowly commoners, who cannot comprehend our intellect and self-righteousness, would refuse to accept the disinformation-induced fantasies we’re offering!
The Washington Post proclaims that the internet has “an exorbitant amount of garbage information.” Yes. It does. And a lot of it comes from mainstream media. The article cites a study done by academic elites claiming: “When individuals search online about misinformation, they are more likely to be exposed to lower-quality information than when individuals search about true news”. So, what exactly is “true news”? Over the years, I’ve written hundreds of op-eds. I’m a factivist, so I have to know the context of things. It always brings clarity. Let me give you a few examples of Washington Post articles that were inarguably garbage. So, I decided to do my own research and ended up being right.
The Washington Post spread plenty of propaganda during COVID. One of the worst examples was a completely uncritical and context-free article about why the CDC was........