Don’t Turn Away from Your DNA, GOP
Politicians pander. Platforms shouldn’t.
Each Party’s manifesto is an articulation of their firmly held beliefs. The Democratic Party will “oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers” to abortion. We see this belief carried out in every federal and state law proposed and passed by Dems: unlimited abortion throughout pregnancy for any reason. The Republican Party, to the contrary, emphasizes the Declaration of Independence’s “inalienable right to life” and has called for a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution to protect the unborn.
The Democrats’ platform demands funding for Planned Parenthood and their abortion “services.” Republicans fully oppose taxpayer funding of the $2 billion abortion business, except for actual healthcare (e.g. breast cancer exams, prenatal care, STD testing/treatment, and other services that are all drastically plummeting at Planned Parenthood).
The Democrats believe some humans are merely property that can be bought, sold and destroyed at the whim of others. Republicans don’t. It’s why the GOP platform emphatically states: “We urge all states and Congress to make it a crime to acquire, transfer, or sell fetal tissues from elective abortions for research, and we call on Congress to enact a ban on any sale of fetal body parts.”
The contrast couldn’t be more pronounced. Democrats are the Pro-Abortion Party. Republicans are the Anti-Abortion Party. Yet some forces want to blur those lines and dilute the principled stand the GOP........
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