In the world's largest survey on the image of capitalism, respondents in 34 countries were presented with 18 different statements on capitalism. It should give pause for thought that the indisputable statement that “Capitalism has improved the situation of ordinary people in many countries” made it into the Top Five in just two out of 34 countries: In Vietnam, where the statement received the second-highest approval rating of 74 percent and in Nigeria, where people associate capitalism with the hope of eradicating poverty and living a better life, this statement elicited the fifth most support.
In Germany, the statement “Capitalism has improved the situation of ordinary people in many countries” elicited agreement from fewer respondents than any of the other 18 statements on capitalism, while the statement “Capitalism is responsible for hunger and poverty” received three times more support. An interesting contrast: In Uganda, the statement “Capitalism is responsible for hunger and poverty” received the least support of all 18 statements.
In the USA, too, the statement, “Capitalism has improved the situation of ordinary people in many countries” was only selected by 27 percent of respondents. There were eight other statements that received more support in the USA.
It is no mere coincidence that so many people agree with this statement in........