Make No Mistake – Lawfare Is on the Ballot

The ravages of Trump Derangement Syndrome make “progressives” say and do some pretty outrageous things, but, of all the fruits of TDS, undoubtedly the most bitter and potentially dangerous is lawfare: the manipulation and weaponization of the justice system to punish Democrats' opponents, distort public opinion, and even make the free expression of dissent punishable by incarceration.

Everyone is by now familiar with the most egregious form of lawfare: the elaborate campaign of persecution mounted against President Trump over the last two years. Note that, before Trump declared that he was running for reelection in the fall of 2022, he had been charged with precisely zero felonies in his entire life. Once he became, for the third straight time, a serious threat to the Democrats' and the Deep State's grip on power, the felony charges suddenly flowed like wine. We're up to 88, and already the dastardly Dems have achieved 34 felony convictions in the state of New York, based on, by all accounts, the weakest single case against Trump. No matter – in an election year, convictions were what the powers-that-be required, and convictions they obtained.

Slightly less familiar to many voters, but equally outrageous, has been the legal campaign against the man who is now almost as hated on the Left as DJT, and is in many ways as potent a threat to their dominance: Elon Musk. Musk is facing nonsense lawsuits in multiple........

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