At the invitation of House Speaker Mike Johnson, President Joe Biden is preparing to give his State of the Union address on Thursday, March 7. Given the event starts at 9 p.m. ET, it's a tall order for a number of reasons. As Special Counsel Robert Hur recently said, Biden is an "elderly man with a poor memory."

But ahead of the big night, Biden's team has been delivering polling to the Oval Office, and concerns about illegal immigration continue to top the list of issues for voters in a crucial election year. After creating the problem, Biden has finally waited for the perfect political moment to do something about it.

"Biden has considered an executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the Southwest. This could even happen in the two weeks before the address, allowing Biden to say he took action while Republicans just talk," Axios reports.

Precisely. Biden plans to sign an executive order, one he likely won't enforce, and proclaim in front of a national audience that he's actually the border security guy – that Republicans are the obstructionists who want more illegal immigration. Cynical, to say the least.

This, of course, comes after Biden repeatedly lied to the country by saying he has "done all [he] can do" on the issue. In recent months, his press secretary repeated the same over and over again to reporters during official White House briefings.

Conveniently, Biden hopes Americans ignore the illegal alien men prowling their city streets, blowing out public safety budgets, overwhelming hospitals and booting American children from their schools in order to take shelter. Biden wants people to forget his Department of Justice sued Arizona and Texas for attempting to build their own border wall after Biden canceled its construction. Piles of taxpayer-funded supplies are rotting in lots, just waiting to be used. He wants us to believe the unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants over the past three years is "normal" and something that should be tolerated. He's hoping his executive order, whatever it may be, provides a mirage that he actually cares about the issue more than Republicans. It's a joke.

If Biden cared about the border and the devastating impact of illegal immigration on American communities, he would have never worked to reverse dozens of Trump executive actions that helped blunt the problem. He could have instituted his own executive actions years ago. Instead, Biden has destroyed the mission of Customs and Border Protection, abused the Border Patrol and has deliberately allowed more than 10 million people to enter the country since 2021, overtaking the populations of 40 states. As for whether they'll ever be sent home after their bogus asylum court dates in 10 years, his plan is to allow those people to stay forever. After all, Democrats want them as voters to solidify their permanent political power in Washington, D.C., and everywhere else.

Biden doesn't care about securing the border through executive action. He's had dozens of tools at his disposal since taking office to mitigate the problem. Instead, he cares about attacking Republicans for not solving a catastrophe he created – especially in an election year.

Don’t Be Fooled, Biden Still Doesn’t Care About the Border

Don’t Be Fooled, Biden Still Doesn’t Care About the Border

At the invitation of House Speaker Mike Johnson, President Joe Biden is preparing to give his State of the Union address on Thursday, March 7. Given the event starts at 9 p.m. ET, it's a tall order for a number of reasons. As Special Counsel Robert Hur recently said, Biden is an "elderly man with a poor memory."

But ahead of the big night, Biden's team has been delivering polling to the Oval Office, and concerns about illegal immigration continue to top the list of issues for voters in a crucial election year. After creating the problem, Biden has finally waited for the perfect political moment to do something about it.

"Biden has considered an executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the Southwest. This could even happen in the two weeks before the address,........

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