America, Now More Than Ever Needs Real Heroes

Let me say this right up front. While some politicians may want to try to refer to it as heroic and courageous, I find nothing courageous or heroic about publicly declaring one’s sexual orientation and telling people that their choice of sexual partners is of the same gender. It’s a matter best left unsaid since nobody gives a damn.

But in case you want to hear about real courage and heroism, consider this.

Eighty years ago, on June 6, 1944, thousands of Americans faced the prospect of dying on the shores of France. They did so without flinching, there was no thought of backing out and just saying “The hell with it, I’m not going”. They boarded their landing crafts before sunrise, others parachuted into the darkness over France. Each of them in their way accepts the fact that they might not be alive by day’s end. That was true courage, and those were real heroes.

Less than ten years later on the frozen Korean Peninsula, American soldiers braved the onslaught of tens of thousands of communist Chinese soldiers pouring across the border into South Korea. It was........

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