Congress Missing the Mark on Commercial Drone Targeting

Contrary to what the media would have us believe, the amusement park that is the United States presidential campaign is not the only show in town at the moment.

For the wheels of our legislative branch continue to whirl away—which can of course be a very counterproductive thing at times like this when the American people aren’t looking. For example, they’re currently making a big mistake in considering legislation to ban a popular and effective drone system made by a global outfit called DJI. Like many electronics and tech devices, DJI’s drones are made in China. And they work reliably, which is why they are quite popular with America’s first responders, small businesses and hobbyists. Hawks in the House and Senate are claiming that these commercial only—not military—drones pose a national security risk merely because of where they come from.

Now, I can get pretty twitchy when it comes to China. The government is shady, and generally up to no good. But this is not a government nor military issue. It’s about a global company finding itself roped into something it doesn’t deserve and our congressional geniuses trying to limit access to a drone that is popular on the American market for no good reason. These drones account for about 70 percent to 90 percent of the American commercial, local government and hobbyist market.

This is not supposed to be how we play. More facts:

A drone ban would disrupt first responders. According to the Wall Street........

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