Day One of Trump 47—So Much to Correct; Military Reform Must by High on the List

It is increasingly likely that Donald Trump will be No. 47. Likely also that Republicans will have slight but critical margins in votes in Congress.

There is so much to do to quickly right the ship of state and put America back on the Constitutional and logical track to security, prosperity, and justice. In the first 24 hours of the Trump administration, the border will be closed by the exercise of constitutionally mandated executive orders, and fossil fuel production will be liberated, initiating the reversal of the waterfall of the massive deterioration of our economy and the inbred, recessive, destructive, redundant, inefficient and enormously expensive Washington, D.C. administration significantly reduced in numbers employees and unnecessary functions.

Much more reform must be stated immediately, not the least of which is the total overhaul of our Department of Defense (DoD) from the top down to enable our military to be a viable global deterrent protecting our republic and our citizens again.

I must acknowledge that I have spent considerable time collaborating and discussing much of the following with TH's Senior Columnist, my good friend and battle buddy of 30 years, COL(Retired) Kurt Schlichter.

Here is what must be done to immediately reform and revitalize our military to include all reserve and National Guard forces:

1. Appoint a well-vetted and qualified Secretary of Defense (SecDef). Senator Tom Cotton immediately comes to mind, but other equally qualified candidates exist.

2. Fire and reappoint all secretaries of the military branches, including the Chief of Naval Operations.

3. Fire and reappoint all senior non-commissioned officers of the services. 

4. Two advisory boards of five members for the SecDef will be created and exist as long as the mission of reform requires.........

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