Our Rich Revolutionaries

Yahya Sinwar’s wife’s appearance in a Hamas tunnel with what seems to be an expensive designer bag says a great deal about the state of affairs of revolutionaries around the world.

With the demise of Yahya Sinwar, the IDF has released videos and pictures showing his life prior to and during the current war. In one video, Sinwar is seen taking his family and a big TV into his personal tunnel lair on the day before the attack on Israel on October 7th. There, soldiers found comfortable living conditions with multiple bathrooms and a kitchen. They also found millions of shekels and dollars nicely organized as if from a bank. They also found copious UNRWA supplies that Sinwar used for the comfort of his loved ones and bodyguards. Sinwar’s wife is seen at one point in a video smiling and holding what looks like a Hermes Birkin bag that retails for $32,000. Who knew that rat tunnels could be so stylish?

On the one hand, their place looks more appropriate for Dubai than a tunnel deep under Gaza. But the reality is that today’s “revolutionaries” are often multimillionaires or even billionaires. The three heads of Hamas, now reduced to two, lollygagging in a five star hotel in Qatar, are worth several billion dollars apiece. Stolen aid money, illegal activities, real estate portfolios—these are the foundations for multigenerational wealth of the leaders of an organization that claims to represent the poor and downtrodden Palestinian people. It was an open secret that Yasir Arafat was fabulously wealthy, and his wife lived with their daughter in Europe, where she spent oodles of money meant for new Palestinian hospitals and roads. Arafat himself lived a simple life and never personally gave off the impression that he had siphoned off huge........

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