Watch as Sun Editor-in-Chief Adrienne Batra and Sun political columnists Brian Lilley and Warren Kinsella ask the tough questions — have the pro-Palestinian protest mobs gained the upper hand in Canada, displacing the police and their law and order. Kinsella, on a recent trip to N.Y.C., saw a different way of dealing with protests.

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BATRA’S BURNING QUESTIONS: Has pro-Palestinian mob gained upper hand and now owns the streets?

BATRA’S BURNING QUESTIONS: Has pro-Palestinian mob gained upper hand and now owns the streets?

Watch as Sun Editor-in-Chief Adrienne Batra and Sun political columnists Brian Lilley and Warren Kinsella ask the tough questions — have the pro-Palestinian protest mobs gained the upper hand in Canada, displacing the police and their law and order. Kinsella, on a recent trip to N.Y.C., saw a different way of dealing........

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