New Delhi: Days after a Chhattisgarh-based journalist was found murdered in Bijapur district, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) from Hyderabad has taken into custody Sukesh Chandrakar, the prime accused, police said on Monday. Three others involved – Ritesh Chandrakar and Dinesh Chandrakar and supervisor Mahendra Ramteke – have already been arrested in the case.
The body of 28-year-old freelance journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was found with injuries of a blunt force attack in a septic tank on the property of a contractor on Friday. The police located it by tracking his mobile phone. The construction project was reportedly linked to contractor Sukesh Chandrakar and an investigation is underway to ascertain his role in the murder.
Known for his investigative reporting on the Maoist conflict and corruption in road construction projects in........