New Delhi: India summoned the Canadian deputy high commissioner on Monday to protest the slogans of “Khalistan zindabad” aired during a Khalsa Day celebration in Toronto, which was attended by Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau and top opposition leaders.

Earlier on Sunday, Canadian leaders participated in an event in downtown Toronto to mark the establishment of the Khalsa Panth, which was organised by the Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwaras Council.

Just as Trudeau came to the dais to deliver his remarks, the slogans of “Khalsa zindabad” could be heard in the background in the live-streaming video.

The Ministry of External Affairs announced on Monday evening that the Canadian deputy envoy was summoned “with regard to the raising of separatist slogans on ‘Khalistan’ at an event which was being personally addressed by the Prime Minister of Canada”.

The press communique stated that India conveyed “deep concern and strong protest” at “such disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked at the event”.

“This illustrates once again the political space that has been given in Canada to separatism, extremism and violence. Their continued expressions not only impact India-Canada relations but also encourage a climate of violence and criminality in Canada to the detriment of its own citizens,” said the statement.

In his remarks, the Canadian Prime Minister asserted that the Canadian government would always be there to protect the “rights and liberties” of the nearly 800,000 Canadians of Sikh descent.

He also noted that Canada is enhancing security and infrastructure programs by adding more security at community centres and places of worship, including Gurdwaras.

“Your freedom to practice your faith without fear or coercion is sacrosanct. It’s a basic right enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, one we are committed to defending unwaveringly,” he stated.

After Trudeau gave his address, the opposition Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s speech was also preceded by ‘Khalistan zindabad’ slogans from the audience.

Last September, the Canadian PM had stood in parliament and pointed a finger at the potential involvement of Indian government agents in the killing of a Canadian national Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was proscribed as a Khalistani terrorist by Indian security agencies. Dismissing the allegations, India had reacted with anger.

Both countries expelled a senior diplomat from each other diplomatic missions. India went further and stopped visa services for Canadian nationals. However, it was resumed after a month.

Moreover, India urged Canada to reduce the scale of its diplomatic presence within India to align with the extent of New Delhi’s diplomatic missions in Canada. In October 2023, Ottawa withdrew 41 Canadian diplomats from India. Earlier this month, The Wire reported that Canada further downsized its presence by slashing the number of local employees.

MEA Summons Canadian Deputy Envoy, Protests Khalistan Slogans at Event Attended by Trudeau

MEA Summons Canadian Deputy Envoy, Protests Khalistan Slogans at Event Attended by Trudeau

New Delhi: India summoned the Canadian deputy high commissioner on Monday to protest the slogans of “Khalistan zindabad” aired during a Khalsa Day celebration in Toronto, which was attended by Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau and top opposition leaders.

Earlier on Sunday, Canadian leaders participated in an event in downtown Toronto to mark the establishment of the Khalsa Panth, which was organised by the Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwaras Council.

Just as Trudeau came to the dais to deliver his remarks, the slogans of “Khalsa zindabad” could be heard in the background in the live-streaming video.

The Ministry of External Affairs announced on Monday evening that the Canadian deputy envoy was summoned “with........

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