Two people were found dead in the northern city of Nahariya on Sunday, in what police were investigating as a double homicide, possibly linked to a conflict between families. No suspicion of a terrorist motive was reported.
Meanwhile, in Rahat in the south, a brawl between family members apparently led one participant to accidentally run over and kill one person and seriously wound another, in what police were treating as a potential negligent homicide.
In Nahariya, a Magen David Adom paramedic reported that two men, both around age 30, were found with stab wounds. Paramedics pronounced the men dead at the scene.
According to the Maariv newspaper, the victims were found and lived in the home of the Rubai family, on the city’s Weizmann Street. The family, based in Acre, is known to be in several conflicts with other families, the most bloody being with the Tabrani family, the report said.
In Rahat, police opened an investigation after a vehicle on Saturday hit two people, both men in their 30s, and fled the scene.
The person suspected of being the driver of the car was arrested. According to Ynet, the........