Peter Dutton’s elevation to the Liberal Party leadership introduced a nuclear twist to the climate wars that have roiled Australian politics for the past two decades.

His signature proposal to augment renewable energy with “latest generation” nuclear power plants has guaranteed climate and energy policy will, yet again, be a key issue at the next federal election.

Dutton has framed his nuclear push as a sensible, nation-building project in contrast to Labor’s renewables-only approach, which he claims is already inflicting “national economic self-harm”. So far, the nuclear policy has lacked firm detail.

But as the Herald’s Paul Sakkal has revealed, Dutton’s nascent nuclear plans have already run into damaging internal opposition.

Sakkal reports the Liberal and National parties are at odds over the selection of six sites for proposed nuclear facilities, delaying the release of the Coalition’s policy blueprint. Nationals leader David Littleproud has told the party he will not allow the Liberals to dictate the placement of facilities, several of which are likely to be in electorates held by the junior Coalition partner.

In August, Littleproud welcomed the prospect of a nuclear power plant in his own central Queensland electorate of Maranoa. Now he is emphasising the need to do “the legwork” before policy details are announced.

A nuclear power plant in Belgium. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton wants to introduce nuclear power generation in Australia.Credit: AP

These are not the first signs of butterflies within the Coalition over the nuclear policy; last month, Tasmania MP Bridget Archer, a leading Liberal Party moderate, warned against plans that used nuclear energy to diminish the role of renewables.

Nuclear power generation is unlawful in Australia but opinion polls show many voters could be amenable to a change.

Coalition meltdown casts doubt on Dutton’s nuclear plan

Coalition meltdown casts doubt on Dutton’s nuclear plan

Peter Dutton’s elevation to the Liberal Party leadership introduced a nuclear twist to the climate wars that have roiled Australian politics for the past two decades.

His signature proposal to augment renewable energy with “latest generation” nuclear power plants has guaranteed climate and energy policy will, yet again, be a key issue at the next federal election.

Dutton has framed his nuclear push as a sensible, nation-building project in contrast to........

© The Sydney Morning Herald