Economic Diplomacy

India’s economic diplomacy has become a crucial component of its broader strategic engagements, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. While New Delhi has successfully expanded its political and security partnerships through platforms such as the Quad and bilateral ties with major powers like the United States, its economic footprint in the region remains underdeveloped. This imbalance is concerning, especially for a country that is now the world’s fifth-largest economy.

India’s next frontier in its Indo-Pacific strategy must involve strengthening trade and investment linkages to secure a more influential role in regional dynamics. India’s economic linkages within the Indo-Pacific pale in comparison to its geopolitical aspirations. Despite the region’s importance to global trade, India’s trade-to-GDP ratio is significantly lower than key Indo-Pacific nations like Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. Over the past decade, this ratio has also declined, reflecting India’s inward-looking economic policies. This trend is particularly........

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