Wong in charge

As Singapore stands on the cusp of a historic leadership transition, the imminent departure of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong ushers in a new era marked by continuity and change. Mr Lawrence Wong’s ascension as the country’s fourth Prime Minister heralds a departure from the legacy of the Lee dynasty, promising a leadership style that blends tradition with innovation. For nearly six decades, Singapore has been steered by the firm hand of the Lees ~ except for the term in office of Mr Goh Chok Tong ~ with Lee Kuan Yew’s iron will laying the foundation for the citystate’s remarkable ascent on the global stage. Now, as the baton passes to a new generation of leaders represented by the “4G” cohort, the narrative of Singapore’s political landscape is poised for a subtle yet significant shift.

Mr Wong’s emergence as the chosen successor reflects the People’s Action Party’s (PAP)........

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