The Old Guy: On Christian nationalism versus the separation of church and state
What exactly is a “Christian nationalist”? I asked Google. It said:
The “anti-disestablishment” phrase included in the Wikipedia description of the movement -- which used to just be a tongue twister -- means the group insists that the church lead the way in establishing the laws of a country.
Apparently, there was a rise in it in Canada during COVID lockdown. Putin is said to be a “Christian nationalist” (oh, dear!). The term “neo-Nazi Christian nationalist” is bandied about. The Scottish Family Party has been described as Christian nationalist, as well as being anti-LGBTQ . The South African minister BJ Vorster (who is quite pro-apartheid) said he stands for Christian nationalism. Wikipedia states that, in the USA, “Christian nationalists believe that the U.S. is meant to be a Christian nation and want to ‘take back’ the U.S. for G-d.”
Last time I looked, G-d, didn’t need any help taking things back, or giving them, for that matter. And, also, the USA is a joyful mix of many religions, not just one.
Some elected officials who are part of the conservative right have begun declaring support for Christian nationalism. Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert count themselves as members. Ron DeSantis is mentioned as favoring similar........
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